Monday, December 27, 2010

Xmas in Valencia

Soooo Christmas in Valencia was definitely not that great of a Christmas... And will most likely never happen again!

After most of our friends left us to go back home with their families, my friend Ana and I were pretty much left here by ourselves.  The first few days weren't so bad as we still had classes and had a few errands to run.  We also went downtown to see the Christmas lights (as we had none in our apartments), and check out the Christmas Market, where local merchants come to sell hand-made toys, jewelry, clothes, treats,...  We also found a Christmas Village going on, which was quite...bizarre.  We saw some camels, goats, rabbits, and many other animals, as well as a Santa-Dinosaur.

To be honest, Valencia does know how to decorate the city quite well!  The lights and decorations are absolutely amazing - probably making up for the fact that it was 20 on Christmas Day! haha

Christmas Eve: we stayed in at my place, watched a few Christmas movies, and a lasagna and some wine.  Quite relaxed night!  We then headed out for a walk around the downtown to go get a bit of Christmas spirit, and came back to have a brief Skype date with the Nolet family.

Christmas Day: After spending most of the day preparing dinner, we had a Skype date with the Laurin family, and proceeded to have our chicken, sweet potatoes, tourtiere, and wine dinner!  Skipped the whole presents opening, as none of my gifts have made it to Spain yet!

This is by far the quietest Christmas I've ever had, and didn't quite enjoy it - No offence to Ana who's been my only friend for the last week.  Note to self: never redo Christmas without the whole family, presents, decorations, or snow!

Can't complain all that much though, as I am leaving tomorrow for a trip to Germany and Austria, with friends from Canada!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Madrid (Spain)

After Paris, I headed out to Madrid for a quick 24hrs visit and vacation with Andrew.  Our first night in the city we went out for a Spanish time dinner, and came back to the Westin Palace for an early night.  The next morning we headed out with Starbucks in hand to visit the city.  Madrid is a very easy city to visit, everything is relatively close, and almost everything is walking distance from one another.  As we didn't have much time, we decided to only visit the buildings and attractions, and avoid going on tours and in museums.

Here are a few spots we had the chance to go check out:
  • Plaza Mayor (where the Christmas Market was being held)
  • Royal Palace
  • Teatro Real
  • Plaza Oriente
  • Prado Museum
  • Retiro Park
  • Casa de la Villa
  • Plaza Santa Ana
  • Palacio de las Cortes
  • Plaza de las Cortes
  • Las Ventas Bullring
After our little journey around the city, our friends Kenny and Myka came to join us.  Later on that night, I headed out to the airport and flew to back to Valencia.

This trip was absolutely amazing, and again, I will have the opportunity to go visit Madrid in greater depth in May! 

Paris (France)

So I am finally back home after what is probably the most insane trip so far!

Last Wednesday, I headed out to Paris with my dear friend Erin to go meet up with some of the Red Bull crew and friends.  For this trip, I've decided to tell you about it day by day as it was a crazy trip with a lot of adventures and action!

Day 1: 
As Erin and I finally make it to the Valencia airport, we realize that all flights to Charles de Gaulle and Orly are either cancelled or delayed due to the snowstorm that has hit Paris earlier that day.  Luckily, we are flying to Beauvais!  As we walk out of the airport, we walk in what is clearly a mosh pit of angry French people!  Beauvais offers a shuttle system back to Paris, which of course due to the snow had been delayed for hours, and there are about 200-300 people fighting to hitch a spot on the buses.  We ended up having to wait 2hrs outside in the freezing cold!  At 1:30am I finally make it to my hotel, Mama Shelter, where my good old Red Bull Crew is waiting there for me with a drink.

Day 2:
The crew gathered up (there was about 18 of us) and we metro down to go visit the city!  We headed down to the Christmas Village at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower.  As we get to the Eiffel Tower, we see the line going for miles!!!!  Travelling tip: if you plan on going up the Eiffel Tower, head out there early in the morning in order to avoid lineups!  Later on, we headed down to the Shopping District where all the fancy boutiques are (close to the Champs d'Elysee).  After being in the freezing cold all day, we went back to the hotel to relax, get some dinner, and get ready for Red Bull 3 Style International Final.  The show was absolutely amazing!  We had a great time, and a blast cheering on our Canadian DJ - DJ Drastik, who placed 3rd!

Day 3:
I think it is safe to say that after last night, no one could move for a few hours!  After coming back to our hotel at 6am, most of us opted to stay at the hotel and relax, as we have another big night coming.  Later that evening we all headed out for some traditional Lebanese dinner, and afterwards MOULIN ROUGE!!!  - To everyone planning on going to Paris, this is a must!!  This classic Paris entertainment is spectacular to see, but is also quite expensive!  After sipping on champagne with the Red Bull crew and friends, we headed out to Social Club to check out some other famous DJs.

Day 4:
Back to sightseeing!  Having a smaller crew that day, we decided to bike around the city centre, where we headed to Gallerie La Fayette and Printemps.  Again, they were amazing spots, but expensive shopping and eating!  Later that afternoon we headed to Centre Pompidou - great museum to see, however if you are not really into arts, it might be a bit a waste of your time.  It isn't really expensive, but I was more attracted to the building itself than the exposition.  They also have various expositions for short periods of time, which one may particularly interest you.

That evening we when to a traditional French restaurant for our dear friend Kenny's birthday.  Great food - however for vegetarians, options are extremely limited!  Afterwards, we headed out to Showcase for some drinks.  This bar has to be the coolest bar in Paris!!! It is located underneath the bridge on Champs d'Elysee and is an attraction itself!

Day 5:
Back to Beauvais to fly out to Madrid!!

Some quick tips:
  • If you plan on seeing specific locations, take a quick look online if reservations are possible, it will save you A LOT of time!
  • Cabbing in Paris is ridiculously expensive!  If you call a taxi ahead instead of just hauling one, they will start charging you as of the moment you call.  Metro is really easy to figure out, and will bring you pretty much anywhere you need to go.  Passes for 3 or 5 days are also available for very cheap with unlimited trips.
  • Beauvais Airport is a nightmare!!!!  Avoid this airport at all costs!  I know low cost airlines tend to fly there, but also factor in that it will cost you 15euros to shuttle to Paris and 15 to go back to the airport.  From the shuttle station, you will also need to cab to get where you want to go, it adds up!  From Charles de Gaulle Airport, you can easily metro anywhere in the city.
  • Paris is a very expensive city, you do not need to stay in the dead centre in order to visit, the metro will cost you less than an expensive room downtown!  The attractions are also scattered around the city, you will most likely need to metro between most of them anyways, unless you're willing to walk 45mins to an hour between them.  
This trip would've never been this amazing without the Red Bull crew, our friends, and Erin.... I have so many thanks to give out for this trip!!

Can't wait to be back in Paris in April with Mom and Dad to visit the rest of this amazing city!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Malta (Malta)

Hola everyone!!

This past few days, I had the opportunity to go to Malta with my 2 Canadian roommates, Darryl and Hans. For those of you who don't know where Malta is, it is a small island located in the Mediterranean, underneath Italy.  It is a very small and unknown to most, however, it is a little island busting with history!

Quick Tip for those of you who are interested in ever visiting Malta: It is part of the European Union so their currency is the Euro.  However, don't be fooled, as Malta is a British colony - they use British outlets!!  Citizens on the island speak Maltese, however, most also speak English.

During our trip, we stayed in Paceville, the nightlife capital of the island.  You can basically walk down the streets of the district and see bars, clubs, and restaurants door-to-door.  Definitely a great spot for the younger crowd!  On our first night, we headed down to Havana club, the biggest club on the island, a must!

Throughout the rest of our stay, we visited Valletta (the capital), Mdina (former capital), St-Julians, and Sliema.  As you can see in the pictures, Malta went through numerous wars, and still has most of its original structures.  Many of the main cities are surrounded by their original gates and city walls, as well as a fort at the water front.

I know most people are not really aware of this island and exactly what it has to offer, but we went there at the mid-end of November and it was still short and t-shirts weather for most of our stay!!  Also, depending where you go on the island, there are beautiful beaches and blue water lagoons and grottos.  While we were there, people were still swimming in the sea!

Anyways enjoy the pictures!!

- Next stop Paris and Madrid!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Ibiza (Spain)

Hi Everyone!

Last week I had the opportunity to go to Ibiza for 6 days and it was absolutely amazing!! As many of you may know, Ibiza is a Spanish island known for its parties and beaches. I went along with the 4 other Canadians who are currently here and other international students. We travelled from Valencia to Ibiza on a ferry, which here are like mini cruises. We stayed in Ibiza City which is basically where all the bars/clubs are. During the days we had the chance to do a bit of touring/beaches, and most nights we went out to clubs. The clubs there are absolutely unreal!! The first one had a foam party, foam was coming out of everywhere and pilled up over our heads a few times. The next night we had the opportunity to see David Ghetta, Akon, and Tyo Cruz, that club night was totally sold out to the point you could barely dance. Friday night we headed down to Privilege (the biggest club in the world with a capacity of 10,000 people). Not only was it a club but we had quite the show and entertainment as well! Saturday, we headed down to the other side of the island to San Antoni. San Antoni is a much quieter spot, more for actual tourist, and it is absolutely beautiful! There we spent the evening at Cafe del Mar, which is a world-known cafe for its sunset.

I posted a few pictures, hope you enjoy them!

Ibiza 2010
The International Crew
Hannah, me, and Ana (3 Canadians)
The crew at Cafe del Mar (San Antoni)
View from Cafe del Mar
The Sunset

Monday, August 30, 2010

Valencia (Spain)

Hi guys,

Everything is going great so far! Lots of beach and sun, and a little bit of touring too. Here are a couple more pics... There's plenty more to come!

We start orientation at school this Thursday and officially begin next Thursday.

First Trip: Looks like we are going to Ibiza from the 29th of Sept. until the 3rd of Oct! (Because here, we can go to the beach until Nov!)

City of Arts and Sciences
City of Arts and Sciences

Monday, August 16, 2010

Valencia (Spain)

Hi everyone,

I have arrived in Valencia yesterday! Not much has been going on so far, I have just been piecing everything together and getting organized. I visited my university (Universidad Europea de Madrid), and the park across the street "Jardins del Reial". It used to be an old palace, now its all ruins and a garden.

I've attached a few pictures; more to come!

View from my flat

Jardins del Reial
Jardins del Reial
Jardins del Reial

Universidad Europea de Madrid (Valencia)